Thursday, January 05, 2006

Today is the 2nd day which i had lost my bag .. haiz ... it's like part of my body gone lor .. sad ...

woke up at 5am++ .. can't sleep well ... so went play com .. typed out report ... all my reports were in my thumbdrive.. now gone ... have to re-do lor .. haiz ..

WCD practical allright la .. wasn't that difficult lor .. hope can get good marks ...

I wan buy crumpler bag again .. this time if possible i want the purple de .. well ... before i find any ideal bag , i would still consider crumpler bag as one of my wish list ...

I want a new MP3 !!! hehe .. and a thumbdrive too ...

**Today renfu sick ... Why ??? Must take care ar .. miss you leh .. 2 days never see you in Wanyu la .. yesterday no mood to see ... today you didn't come .. Mengzhe said u sick .. i was shocked .... haiz... Today wanyu a bit sianz leh .. magic de .. haiz ...

tml DBMS test la ... later going study lor... have to force myself to study la .. no choice le ...

i think no matter what hor ... this thing will definitely troubled me for quite long lor .. all my hard work, my bao bei mp3 ... haiz .. hp i dun care la .. dun have also nvm .. just that a bit inconvenient onli ...

Haiz .. Sianz la .. Mood still very bad ... sad sad sad .... Why must it happened to me and Agnes ??? How can HE/SHE steal 2 bags at a time ??? haiz ... I have lose more hopes in Singaporeans le lor ... Selfish-minded ...Never care about people's feelings .. i rather let u steal my hp lor .. why take away my whole bag ... my projects all inside leh .. no back-ups at all lor ... now we all have to re-do everything ... Why ??? Why must this happened to me !!!

Speechless ... (;>_<;)


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