Wednesday, August 23, 2006

just came back from my oral exam ..

well i think it goes well . at least i didn't feel so nervous , having taken 2 times before le .. haiz ... oral .. either Pass or Merit la . nothing to worry about. the writing part shld be that part which i would worry most !

yesh .. another burden off la .. now only left with econs ... i am 60% done on econs only . theory haven go memorise . some facts have not got it clear yet .

this time i am trying to use a think-on-the-spot approach . hehe .. just use my own words and understanding to write . dun everything also memorise. if i know , i will know how to answer , if i don't know, i will write crap onto my answer script . haha

friday faster come and faster go ! hehe ...

i want to work at yami yogurt . but i still have not call them yet . waiting for friday to pass first ...

5 more days to renfu birthday. is ji mei mei really pregnant ? is the child renfu's ? hmm .. i do hope so! ...


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