Friday, August 18, 2006

Played the sims 2 from morning till eleven. then when mum came in and say, hey lets' go pray my grandmother & grandfather , i quit from the sims 2 WITHOUT SAVING IT!!! .. OMG ... was damn sad lor . have to replay again ... haiz ...

took mrt to redhill and transferred to bus ... then pass by tiong bahru .. reminds me of charlene . that time me and ting stupidly walk a big round just to get to her house . >_< ...

met someone and sold my idols things to her . $35 . futhermore, she gave me a sweet .. so sweet of her . hehe .

so sianz . today wanyu dun have renfu . somemore today's wanyu is just so damn boring lor ... sianz ... haiz . lots of unknown ppl playing around in wanyu . so sianz ..

wanna go play the sims 2 la.. but still trying to force myself to finish watching wanyu la ... >_< ...

tml meeting wanyi going library study la .. yeah .. hehe !!!


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