Saturday, August 19, 2006

woke up at 7am ++ .. bathed and play com while then i go off liao ...
met wanyi at cck mrt there . and she was late ! i was early . so ended up waiting for almost ten mins ... >_<

ate macdonald breakfast . and u know what . it had been so long since i ate hotcake ! Whoa ... suprisingly i didn't eat my favourite saugage egg muffin ... hehehehe ...

went into library to study .. studied econs while wanyi study her heat and mass theory .. and engineering maths too ... wow . maths sia ..

studied from 11am till 3pm and we went into causeway to do our window shopping ... ans as we walk walk walk .. guess what ? WE SAW MRS TAI !!! actually is wanyi saw her 1st de . then we stopped . and i took about 10 seconds to recognise her .. omg ... then we approached her . wow .. she still rem us ! so happy .. and she said she just mentioned me in her class just these few days... wow .. so touching ... haiz .. then we chat for quite long .. think about 20 mins... kept standing inside metro ... while we chatted .. haiz .. i pity her la . she said she's feeling so stress nowadays teaching sec classes ... saying that fights are so common nowadays ... she said compared to my times, helong , benedict all these cases were so mild ... blah blah blah ...and i was SHOCKED ...becos of what u know ? becos i got to know that MS POH went to teach in Singapore Prison ... OMG ...shocking u know... anyway ... really happy la ..seeing her once again ... well .. i will organise a gathering okay .. surely.. definitely ....

ate Long John for dinner .

now watching wanyu . no renfu again. .. haha ... k la .. shall stop here la .. bye !


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