Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A photo of our table with lots of EMPTY plates !

Can see me ? i am behind xiao suan !!!
Look for the GREEN TEA !!!

Me and xiao suan !!!

The GIRLS of DBIT 2A/14 !!!

We had fun !!! Our Class STEAMBOAT Gathering ... Yeah ...

met at 6pm at marina bay MRT ... yesh .. some will late ( as usual ) ... haha

Well .. took bus no 400 to our destination ...

was a bit pissed off when none could make their mind which one we should go to . thus in the end , an uncle took us to chong pang ... said he will charge us $10 instead of $12 ... kk ... got discount good la .. now very broke ... due to some reason ... will explain later at below ...

Hmm .. As for the food, i personally think that the pepper chicken meat was delicious . the others were so so . i didn't eat much la .. ate normal things like hot dog , french fries , sotong balls , chicken meat , and hehe .. tried some beef too .. haha ... actually i cannot eat beef de loh !!! haha ...

ordered green tea ... cos too thirsty lah ... haha ... the soup was salty too .. Eeewwww....

Kk .. enough for food .. now onto the game part ...

We played zhong ji mi ma ... haha ... not disgusting food this time ... we used 5566's punishment ... hit the arm part with 2 fingers . and it will hurt a lot . i mean a lot ...

haha .. when girls lose, no one dare to hit girls , so we girls just hit the loser very lightly .. the guys were .... ... haha .. no comment . cos they are guys okay !!
here's the worst part .. Rujian lost , and yiquan and terry hit him together . And u know what ? Rujian left arm IMMEDIATELY had internal bleeding inside his arm . and he kept saying it's allright .. OMG ... yiquan ar ... u hit too hard le wor !! haha .. just becos the previous round u los and kanna beaten by rujian , u revenged till so jialat .. haiz .. i can only say ... guys are guys ... they have the ability to play rough ... haha

as for when lui wun and weisiang lose right , they drank melted ice cream .. worst is ziyu and weisiang who ate fries with RAW egg mixed with light SOYA sauce ... omg .. it's disgusting man .. we gers kept saying .. Ohh ... dun eat la .. u will get stomachache lor .. but they chose to eat inside of kanna beaten by somebody !!! haha ...

After games , we went arcade play . Again .. broke .. so only spend 50 CENTS !! haha .. SO NAN DE lor ...

reached home at 11.50pm !! so late !! bathe .. cos i stinks man !


Before we went marina bay .. i met xiuling at 3.45pm at city hall .. we went marina square walk walk .. and my motive of going there , is to get a wallet for my dear MAMA !!!

it cost me $86.40 though .. a pierre cardin one .. i told my mum it cost only $50 ++ .. cos i know she will be #$^$%&#$ when she knows it cost so ex ... Well ... all from my pocket money & savings .. thus i must declare that i am broke !!! haha

my mum was happy when i gave her this wallet ... hehe .. i feel happy too ..

Happy and enjoyable day i had !

Additional things ...

** Bad thing ... the steamboat there so many small flies... cos it rained in the noon mah ... >_< ...

** Green bean soup was delicious .. had 2 small bowls of it .. hehe



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