Saturday, August 12, 2006

A normal day today .. woke up a bit of accts and i got frustrated . couldn't study at home. so contacted cindy . we went out to bukitpanjang plaza to study . she study taxation and business law while i study accts ...

saw ms kit lee when we were at macdonalds .. kanna chased off from macdonalds . so when we went off , cindy went to say hi to ms lee while i walk to the entrance . i dun really know ms lee well .. haha .. then cindy said , yeah she remembered me as she said she got tok to me before . yeah that's right . and that was when i was in Sec 2 ... all the way sitting at the middle in the class. haiz .... memories flowed back again .. okok ... off u go now . dun wanna think of these things now ..

so went to library to study . managed to find a table. and thanks to the old auntie who let her seat to me . thank u so much ...

study till 3pm then we left our things at library and went off to shop around . i was busying looking for signs that says: "Sales assiatant wanted" . haha .. saw a few, but think still dun wanna work la. i feel that i am so troublesome! haha ...

bought something stupid .. but not exactly stupid la . shld say is a waste of money . Those papers which u can fold into stars! hehe .. i never ever know how to fold one . so i just bought one packet to try . hmm shall try it when i am free . hehe ..

bbp changed a lot le . me long time didn't go there le .. last time during sec school always go de . haha ..

bought a chocolate swiss roll from angie choice . hehe .. yummy of course .. went back home eat noodles .. haha .. usually sat my house no cook things de . but today as everyone is staying at home, thus my mum cooked noodles for our lunch and dinner . oh yah . i had macdonals for lunch . hehe... also . long time no eat le !
haha ...

currently, as usual , surfing 5566 stuffs ... resting la. tml continue abit with accts , and monday also can study . cos accts starts at 6pm ! it's evening time u know ... wah can die ar .. hehe

youtube recently doesn't have any nice things to watch . and of cos , i am referring to 5566 de shows lah ...

*vanny is coming back for a week in end of oct / start of nov... yeah.. i am so delighted ! hehe ...
told her that we will be having a steamboat gathering and she's jealous. omg . who won't be jealous upon hearing this ? hehe ...

kk ... shall stop here and continue with my craze over 5566 ... my eyes are tired now .. >_<


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