Wednesday, March 22, 2006

today woke up @ 5.45am !!!

Why ??? can't sleep ... cos thinking of the love story i read thru halfway yesterday ... so i just got up and read again ... and i knew it ... i was touched... luckily beside com got tissue box ... haha ...
but i just find that renfu's character a prince of a "WANG GUO" is just too unrealistic ... hahahaha

well ... i just treat it as a story / fairytale ba ... hahahaha

Now watching ai qin mou fa shi epidose 6 ...

just now woke up then slept again ... off com le .. set alarm to 9am ... but i woke up within 1 hour ... then go to SAS ... hehe see results ... my mum and me see together ... wah ... luckily never dissapoint both of us .. except 1 module ... CRS ...

Renfu ... update yr blog asap okay ??? hehehehe ...

now is 2.10pm .. just reached home ... went to ting's house 1st ... wrap presents and decorate the box for char .. hehe ... then watched amazing race till 12pm then go out take mrt ...
went to tiong bahru to give char her present ... we reached mrt at about 12.40pm .. but walk to her house till 1.20pm !!!! tired ar ...

oh yah .. bought her an angie choice cake too .. hehe ... then me and ting bought choco swiss roll and ate it ... hehe ...

BROKE le la ... mum gave me $50 today ... but spent on cab liao ... took cadb from tiong to NP then to cck ... haiz ....

k la ... today's wanyu will have renfu ... later going bath .. then sleep ... then go zaxsky watch my wanyu le la ...

a tired but happy day today ... hehe

** Thanks Ting for the seashell bottle keychain.. haha .. i won't use it la .. cos i sure break the glass de .. hahahaha but i will keep it okay ... Thanks ar ...

***Sat meeting jiamei go suntec buy somebody's gift la !!! LALALA ...


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