Monday, March 20, 2006

Today is monday !!! ... Renfu is going off today ... Haiz ...

But i hope he can still appear in Wanyu today la ...

currrently listening to rainie's Qin Zhu .... hehe .. this time her album not that nice ! a bit too OVER le ... like her voice is act de lor .. act cute act squeaky like that ...

today actually wanna watch movie wif my sis de .. but suddenly dun wan le feeling .. hahaha

sianz ar ... holiday ... haha .. but i love it lor .. can stay at home ... but sometimes too bored le ... like now lor ! so bored till i come here and blog... hehe i wanna upload some renfu's blog de photos leh .. some he took it himself wif his "EXPENSIVE" digi cam !!! haha ... u rich ma .... >_< ... hehe .. the photo upthere is he took it himself de lor ... but a bit scary la ... cos is concert that time took de .. haha ... eat snake ar ... stop performing for yr concert but taKE photos instead ! hehe .. Well i hope you can continously take photos and post to yr blog when u are in china ... will miss you a lot ar !!! ========================================================== Kk .. enough of disgusting de words de ... haha .. well ... 22nd march getting back results .. hehe abit scared la ... hope can get good results la ... still suffering from cough lor ... keep coughing ... haha ... cannot speak too loudly .. if not will cough ... cannot eat fried things also .. but i keep eating lots of snack lor !!! haiz ... cannot control la !!! ==========================================================
btw , haha .... i also forgot to send photos to cindy, ting and char !! haha the east coast de .. got 8 parts lor .. a lot .. but i almost forgot le .. now sending to cindy .. but the speed damn slow ... why recently my com speed so slow ar ? cannot tahan le ... >_<

Finally ... a photo of renfu at the concert venue ! he look like a tourist ! haha .. or a fan la ! so KAWAII !!! haha ...


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