Wednesday, July 06, 2005

$$$$$$$$$$ ... have to save la ... So broke... wan buy this and that
i know i shld'nt be like this .. but u know ... "jealousy" ...
Haiz ...

today class started at 9am ... but i 11 ++ go off le ...
cos finished the java thingy very fast ...
then went back home rest then go back sch again ...

reach home took a bath .. then as usual eat and sit infront of the computer screen ... watch them playing ..-_-;

Ting sick today .. wanted to ask her out de .... but too bad lor .. she cannot
wanyi also .. she got lab report to finish
Cindy ar ... ask me go play pool .. in the end didn't .. wah lao .. she still ask me go chiong ... jenn say chiong = clubbing ... i good ger ... so i dun wanna go .. haha
cos today just attended the Aids talk ...

haha ... now watching shaogong .. this episode so funny .. mengzhe & renfu wants maiyee to come back to their sch ... then they keep "Sha Jiao" .. aiyoh .. only gers does that lor ...

Kk .. i'll always remember wad renfu said ... Do wadever u can ... only if u can afford it , then u go for it , if not ... save and then u buy !!! k la ... Yesh laoshi ... !!! haha .. so i think i save 1st la ...
must be a good ger ...

So now i have quite a num of things in my wishlist liao !!! haha ...

Energy Energy Energy ... this SAT !!! Yeah !!!


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