Tuesday, June 28, 2005

my head very pain ar .. haiz ... many problems ...
i hate my house lor .. always so noisy ...
and always kanna wake up by light !!! i can't sleep with lights on lor ... haiz ...
Sch stuff damn tedious !!! dun know whether i'm in the right choice anot?
haiz ...

but ... luckily i have somethings to look forward to ... Yep ... concert , harry potter and mengzhe b.dae ... haha cos can see him kanna "bully" by 56 lor ... must be real funny ...

I'm actually very happy when i'm infront of the com watching them.. cos it's always very funny .. i just dun know why my stupiG dad always say i play com and not doing anything ... Fu*K la ... so damn boring if my life doesn't contain entertainment !!!

I'm so broke ... no money .. actually all my savings i always spend it away lor ...
must save all over again ...

motto motto... gambarimasu !!! working towards my goal .. yesh !!!

cya ...

*sandra will be back in 12 weeks ??? yatta !!!


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