Friday, March 18, 2005

Recently watched Mr Fighting ( Ge Dou Tian Wang) !!!

Renfu damn cute while XieZhi damn Coolz ... !!!
but the misfortune YuZhe(Xie Zhi) met was really #@%$#&
damn sad la .. then Yin Qi(RenFu) kanna trained by YuZhe ... wah .. see le also heart pain ... so strict and torturing !

waiting for the 10th episode ... have to wait until Sunday ...
Heard that YuZhe will lose his memory ... Sad >_<;

Love Yuan Dian this song .. love it so much ... it's filled with hidden emotions ... I can really feel it .. The way renfu sang it was really touching ... Xiezhi also not bad la ... haha anywayz .. i always skips that part whereby ShaoWei sang it .. haha ... Too Awful !!!

Feel like buying that JStar magazine .. but kinda waste $$ leh ... Dunno la

As the day slowly passes away ... i begin to feel more lonely & bored ! Nothing to do all day .. Only download things ... watch TV ... Go domon's house ... like that ,, nothing to do le .. No $$ .. dun really feel like going out .. No job ... but still dun wanna work ... Lazy !!! Yeah that's the word

I survive just only for WanYu , Shao Nian Te Gong Dui , Mr Fighting , ZhongYiDaHECai and some other Tv shows ... haha ... what a useless person here ...
only spent 10 mins to read some English articles ...

Would i able to survive this year "O" English ? i Don't know ... no teacher to teach me ...
Shun Qi Zi Ran ? Just let it be lah .. Moreover exam is in 9th Nov !!!

1 more hour to Wanyu ! it's 10pm now ... Sianz ...


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