Friday, July 01, 2005

stomach pain .. as usual ... a month had passed !!! so fast ....
I'm quite busy this week ... busy rushing home watch TV , discuss projects and go out .. haha ..

watched initial D ... this movie is not bad .. although i dun like Jay , but edison is kakoii !!! quite touching also .. haha ..

i think i lost my spectacles ... haiz .. cannot find it ... so now i class, i sometimes have to squeeze my eyes to figure out the words .. haiz .. i just can't believe i lost it ...hope i can find it back !!!

mengzhe ar mengzhe... u really really getting bigger and bigger .. but nvm .. u can still score for games .. which is very good le la .. unlike those who are so tiny and and fir , scored zero !!! haha ...
Anyway .. wishing u a happy b.dae ...

I missed sec sch life ... that day when i was at kopitiam , i saw a grp of kranji sec de students .. haiz ... how i wish i can wear back my AES uniform .. but i think my mum threw away liao !!! haiz ....

poly life is actually much more comlicated ... u can be really busy sometimes , but free the other time ... haiz ... i always 'sianz' here and there !!! i myself also cannot tolerate it liao ... how ???

k la .. now in unix class ... stomach still cramming ... <>_< sob sob ...

*** I just wish that i can live a happy life from now on .. no worrys no problems ...
**I wish i can do well 4 all my modules especially maths mob and java ...
*I wish * *** **** **** !!! 'roku ju' is my target !!! haha ...
Gambarimasu !!!

Jya mata ne ...


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