Friday, October 29, 2004

Damn it .. Yesterday & Today mood damn bad ! KNS la .. feeling like killing myself ... haiz ...

Damn angry and fed up with my friends ... haha .. opps .. dunno whether should say this mah ... haiz ... nobody accompanys me to study leh .. i at home also no mood to study de ... seems like i'm forcing then like that ... >_<

Went lot one today ... ate macdonald & Kfc Tom yam chicken ... accompany bro mah ...i eat KFC he eat MAC !!! haha damn full lor ... spent 10++today .. kaoz ... no $$ le la ...

i feel that i am really slacking too much .. watch 4 discs of Fong Sai Yuk ... Fang shi yu la haha ... cried during the part whereby shiyu mum and dad patched up ! haha ... That's Happiness !
Berryz Koubou : We welcome this hap-ness tonight !
haha .. i wonder why they sing it as hap-ness instead of happiness ...

haiz .. today 29th le ... still haven study so many chaps of SS ... haiz ... now i only have Singapore and Japan industrial development in mind !! Erm hello ??? what if didn't come out ? haiz...

i really misses my frens out there ... especially jiamei, sandra, rachel they all .. haiz ... we so long din't meet le .. and i had forgotton jiamei and rachel birthday ... i still owe u all birthday present ! >_< haha

now i feel as if it is holiday now ... watch tv and go out ... study the most 1 hr only ... how ? Cindy they all so hardworking ... called jasmine to come out study also dun want ... >_< i wonder how they can study at home ??? haiz ...


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