Wednesday, September 29, 2004

So happy in school today .. Amanda got cOme !!! Amanda Amanda Amanda ... you wanted me to mention about u in my blog .. and so i did . haha .. she made brownies and gave a bit to taste it .. erm , frankly speaking , i only like the chips ! haha .. erm .. it was a bit too sweet ! But thanks anyway , i like it !

Hmm ... today as usual ... stupid mr catherine lee la ... kns ... hate her so much .. that bitch ... becos of yr lessons tml i'm thinking of not going school tomorrow .. Ask us do mind map ? Fat Hope la ...

erm .. only 7 passed maths and 4 passed Science ? Hello ... is there a problem mah ? yappari 4/4 wa 4/4 desu ne ..

How .. still dunno how to play Ragnarok online leh ... who can teach me ? ask junhao , dun understand , ask jia han , also different ... erm .. how ?

was asking ppl whether they have roller coaster typhoon ? some threw it away , some lended to frens .. erm .. all sorts of excuses ... Why Singapore's law so strict .. why no pirated games allowed ? Pirated VCDS also .. Countries like M'sia and HK are selling them like MAD ! Kaoz ...

haha ... I really enjoys Mrs tai lessons .. she really very cute ar ...

Kyo wa kareshi wa gakkou e ikimasen. sugoku ureshii deshita ! II na ...

Doraemon > Namazura hikewakurume ... Wa II Na Song !


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