Friday, October 22, 2004

22nd of Oct ... weather ? COLD !!! haha ...

Gotta get a flu soon ... (o-o;)

Today is Grad night ... but i'm going for dinner soon ...

Hmm .. recently mood very sianz ... at home watch vcds and vcds ... slack a lot ... damn lot lor ... i'm feeling guilty now but my laziness is just too strong ... haiz ... somemore i'm beginning to sleep until very late le ... last time normally 8am will wake up ..but now ? 10am or later leh ... sianz ... feeling tired and sianz at home .. study for half and hour then sianz le ... study with ting,char they all also only for about 3hr , but 2hr like that is tok , eat and play de lor ... like that how ??? 1hr to study only ?

hmm ... i feel that my science is okay le ... now i have to worry for my english and chinese and accounts only ... English just get a pass i happy le , chinese hope can get b3 la ... accounts hope can maintain... cos it's like this time is not school exmas anymore .. not mrs tai set de , i scared i not used to it leh >_< how ? what if they are lotsa i dunno how to do ?

maths ... just let it be ... i dun wan to do anymore le ... just read through will do ... ss and geo ar ... ss will go study ba but geo just let it be .. what can i study for it ? the characteristics i think i most probably can guess out la ... think nothing more to memorise le ...

Exams ar exams .. faster end .. after exams i will go rent ju bao pen and see .. haha ... wei jian ar ... haha
hmm i really like him having a bald head haha ! Crazy ar me ?

Tok about Kungfu Soccer ba ...
Hmm ... at 1st promised my mum that i won't watch it unless exams is over leh .. but i now already watched one box le .... hahahahahaha .... i broke my promise !
this show quite good la ... funny ! but i still like fang shi yu better ... hehe

I think Dashun is going to die soon le ... so sad ... i wonder how xiao shun will feel/react ? i think he had recover le .. but not so sure yet ... haha .. i like the stupiness of him ! haha ... cute mah ... isn't it ?

received letter from vanny few days ago ... hmm ... what to say leh ? well i think our situation now couldn't be helped ...

such a long entry today ... k la .. gtg la ... bye !


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