Wednesday, September 15, 2004

haiz... headache ar .... got slight fever somemore ... but it's not actually fever .. just that my whole body hot hot like that lor ... dunno why ...

Geo paper still okay ... manage to finish in time .. but the map reading one really don't know how to do la .. sianz ... didn't study mah ... the result i get for sure either just pass or just fail only ...
those 7 or 9 marks one i only wrote about 4~5 points ... like that where got enough ??? no use regreting now la ...

Tomorrow is maths and chem paper la ... got tuition later ... hmm .. not doing maths lor .. cos ms poh say quite easy .. haha .. but she didn't say dun study hor ... is me myself dun wanna study ... chem ar ... tuition finish then revise abit before i go sleep sleep la ..
Need to have early sleep today cos really not enough sleep .. i yesterday woke up several times ... at 2++am , 4 am and 5 am ... made me so frustrated ... can't sleep .. maybe felt guilty for not prepring for Geo la ...

Accts is this friday leh .. haiz .. still no confidence la ... especially those tough qns and mcqs ... mrs tai stressed that this paper gonna be tough ... shit lor ...

tml going for minor operation ... haha ... a bit too formal ?? got a small lump on my right arm .. gonna cut it away and stiched it up .. erm ... doctor say must take half an hr .. haiz ... tml no time study accts le ... >_<
hope my hand (ARM!) still able to write la .. ( pls la #@^%$*&@??/)

no appetite ... haiz ... felt discouraged ...
got backthat stupid progress report ... damn it lor ... unfair one la ... many ppl cheat one lor ... still can get good grades ... for example is that social studies la ! then somemore report fake marks ... wah lao .. as if exams really can get that grade like that ... !!! boo them !


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