Monday, September 13, 2004

Lucky Cha Cha Cha !!! Minimoni desu !!!

HAHA ... Social Studies question on essay is on Japan & Singapore !!! Hurray !
I studied that lor ... luckily didn't study that people and education de !
hmm .. but i wrote alot of my common sense thing la ... i elaborate more on the 1997 Asian thing ... cos is like nothing much to write leh ...
Source base was damn difficult la ...
So overall think can pass ss papers ... but not very well lor !!!
paper is 50marks in total ? hmm ... give me 28 i happy le !!! haha

HAiz.... I TODAY then know TML is Science PratiCaL ~~~ Erm ... yah ... i'm really blur sometimes ... maybe can push some blame to mrs tai ! cos she also very blur ! haha ... she gave out the pink one .. then she save the white+yellow 2-sheet one ... so i thought the lastest time table was the 2-sheet one la .. haiz ... so didn't realise PRACTICAL IS TML !!! OMG ...
Thanks to my frens who mentioned it today ... oOooooooO

Currently downloading Joshi Kashi Mashi Monogatari LIVE !!! Wow ... i like that song leh ... Oh yah .. watched GARFIELD >>> SHIT ... i like that also can be touched by this kind of cartoon show ... almost cried out ... haha

Hmm ... got some tips from Mrs tai regarding Accts paper and some from Ms poh regarding Maths pp for prelims ... haha ... know what to study and what not le !
Shit ... i damn lousy in Non-trading and Analysis of Records la ... haoz ... how ?
Cindy ar cindy ... teach me ??? haiz ... so envy la .. she so pro in acct .. >_<
me no confidence le ... this time can score in overall , over 70 i happy le .. i want a A ... at least a2 la ... if can a1 also can ! haha ... i very greedy de la ...

Geo not intended to study le!!! haha ... yeah ...

kk .. i want to haf a nap le ...

Quote:Imakara neru shimasu !!! by XIAO YA !!! BERRYZKOUBOU !!!


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