Thursday, September 02, 2004

Whoa .. Tomorrow is English Prelim !!! Scary ~ ~ ~ ( flys away )

hmm .. gotta say sry to manda ... i think today outside chem lab i was abit too .... yah so i didn;t really mean it la... forgive me k !!! haha
yah sorry that was unable to accompany u home too

Haiz ... sometimes i think me my self is too selfish le .. due to some reasons ... erm ... unspeakable !

So confirm taking a la , too bad ting cannot join me ... i will be bored !!!

haha ...

Hmm .. recently love W alot ! haha .. they so cute and sweet !!! especially that WO AI NI song

So is Berryz KOUBOU ! Wow .. their that Happiness is cool... very typical kind of music

kk... back to exams ... haiz .. not really that nervous leh .. why ar ? is it becos i'm sitting beside manda .. thus slack alot ??? haha Opps ... nvm buck up later ~!~ wWee wWEe !

Jyaa ... ( was teachign some jap to manda today ) haiz ... forget it .. hard to teach .. almost forgotten leh ! haha ...


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