Friday, July 16, 2004

A New One Again

Haha ! a new template again ! This is already my 4th one ! haha ...

This week
Well ... This week is quite relaxing ! Not much maths to deal with , but lotsa practical ! However , the bad thing is i'm sick this week !
there's been quite long since i'm sick ! but ... well... hope this will be the last time of the year !

Well ... i'm really angry about someone ! She has a look which everyone fears ! But ... Actually she's not really that fearful ... But ... Why can't she just smile ! it's make me really angry ... !

Again ... still cannot download the last few episodes ! Why ? Please tell me why !!!

Thanks to my fren , wan yiiiii ... She's really good and helpful to a certain extent ! haha ... well ... Thanks for her comics too ! At last i got something to read this weekend ! Well ... thanks to cindy , hwee ting , charlene , jasmine !
*i won't forget what happened to my skirt ! haha

Fine of coz... if not i will be punching all the ^%$*~#$^) words inside this post ! haha

Yep .. i think i am ! why am i writing this post as if this is going to be my last week ?

Been updating myself recentl ! haha ... well ... there's a 86 yr old woman in KL which i'm really feeling sorry and pity for her !


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