Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Argh ... my house no Panadol ? Can't walk ! No strength to walk ! ( but got strength to type? )
All because of the bad weather ! Rain rain rain ! last week also same time rain ! why must it be every tuesday ? Last week i remember during MAths mock test also rain ! So cold ! my hands were white !

Well ... Today maths mock test ! Difficult ! that's what i can say !
but i got 59/88 ! which is a B4 ? Last week was 50/80 ! isn't it about the same marks ? My standard is till there only ? Better buck up ! haha

Argh ... my "temple" there very pain ! it's as if it is throbbing/popping out !
haha ~

Well .. This song is nice ! it's Full moon 2nd single song ! haha
Really very touching !

< Yamap >
i feel so sorry for u ! erm ... i'll try to download you asap ? okay ? i promise! before 16th july ! haha

that's all !

bye !
*hasn't been reading harry potter these days !


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