Saturday, July 03, 2004

Escape !!! haha ... today went there with my friends today ! Finally !! I've been waiting this for a long time ! Anyway , it;s not really that exciting though , but as it onl has 2 new rides ! Today is also my "o" level chinese listening comprehension !
Erm , i really feel like hitting my head with a bat and just might as well cut off my ear !!! haha ... i dunnoe why i can't listen properly ! Erm ! hearing problem ? no i don't think so ! but hopefully , hope i can get a good result ! i dun wan to just passed it ! at least a few more grades than just passed !

Next week thurs is my "o" level Chinese Oral ! oh , this simply just sucks alot ! know what , on friday 02/07/04 , i had a so call "practice" of oral by Mrs "Jin" ! oh my god ... her looks is just too stern and strict and so scary !!! i cried after i had my oral practice with her !!! not becos i did badly , but just scared! i dunno how am i going to react after i took the actual one ! >_<
Erm , start practicing my brain ? make it work and react fast ? think more futhur ?
Erm , perhaps , the really most important thing i must do is to keep myself calm and nervous-free !!!

Well , i've got lotsa Maths to do ! but , i think i gonna get it down at least by tomorrow ... today is just simply too tired ! and my ankle just hurt a lot !
been playing and walking the whole day !!! >_< but i enjoyed it though , thus , i decided to keep it as my memory ! making sure that i will not forget today !!!


dan away ~


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