Thursday, July 22, 2004

I have to apologise to Louis and Amanda !!! REALLY SORRY !!! -*( BOWS )*-

erm ... got our new jersey today ! haha ... so went lot 1 with manda and LL , then after eating , louis suggested going arcade play play ... then ... changed into jersey so can go in mah ... but reached 4th floor .. kanna stopped by a "bitch" aunty! check manda's ic , louis no need check , but when check mine ... "You CANNOT"

Damn ... why am i still not 16 ??? ARgh .... So paiseh and sorry ! Sorry manda and louis !!! >_<

Haha ... Today mrs chan's outfit ... erm... alot critises from LL .. haha ... L thought it's a skirt .. i was like *shocked* what ? skirt ???

Manda said jkrowling killed her mother using witchcraft ? erm ... this kinda made me curious ! haha ... i wanna find out if it's true although it's kinda hard !!!

went home , bath ... and watched TV .. and here i comes ! haha .. later sleep ... did nothing today .. went home too late ! haha

>_< bye !


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