Friday, May 12, 2006

Cute renfu here ... haha ..

woke up at 9.30 am ... wah damn late lor ... today vesak day .. my uncle and his son came ... bro play com ... so cannot use the desktop la .. me using laptop .

planned to study today . at least finish my econs tutorial . i did . but only the 1st tutorial . wah ? how ? still got 2 more to go . have not study accts yet . hope i will do it asap . at least by this week . yesterday bought straits times also haven read yet . i need it for PFP .

listening to jap songs now . still got 1 more hour to 3 pm . channel u will be showing 5566 shao nian te gong dui . oh wait ! today is friday ! shit i thought is sat ! i now then realised ! hmm means showing wanyu soon ! omg !!! i gtg soon !

i want to watch movie . i wish to go shopping . but i do not wish to spend money . what the . haha ...

bye ... (*_*)

***saw yumin's baby on my sis handphone . she is only 19 this yr yet she has a baby girl. good or bad? pros and cons la . that is wad i can say . i love baby anyway !


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