Tuesday, May 02, 2006


First of all .. Happy Birthday to Sining...

haha .. paiseh ... no present for u ... haha ..u shld know la.. we seldom give each other presents de .. except the cute bear bear piggybank u gave to me when i was Primary 6 ... hehe .. now .. it broke le ... my brother dropped it onto the floor ...

went ting blog see ... wah !!! so sorry la .. the econs book ... i will help u revenge de ... haha .. by tearing it apart .. haha

anyway .. jia lat la ... after last thurs Econs tutorial .. i realised i alot of things also dunno leh ... how.... haiz ... even though ting helped me did a question... but she forgot to do a part of it ... so the ans she wrote .. i also dunno belongs to which part de ... haha ... haiz... i dun dare ask the tutor lor ... how ? i dun understand leh !!! why textbook no teach how to ans questions de ?? see ting de notes .. erm ... all explained in nums and $$ form ... can meh ??? haiz...

yesterday labour day and i sent sining a sms in the morning ... her b.day easy to remember la ...haha ... i counted my money i had with me.. $144 !!! wow ... gonna bank in soon... scared got ppl steal ar ??? no la... i scared i would lost it or spend it .... hahahaha ...

da vinci code coming in may 18 !! i wan watch ...

oh yah .. yesterday wanyu so damn nice ..i was shan wei and ren fu lor.. long time no see this pairing le !!! misses them so much .... renfu was damn 'naughty' lor ... i was also shocked by wad he had done... he just pulled shanwei pants down when shanwei was releasing his belt to show a bit of his boxers out .. haha ... he lost to renfu ma ... scissors paper stone !!! pulled down pants .. left only boxers ... jia lat ... but funny to see shanwei kanna bullied by renfu ... haha ... he dun dare to stand up .. cos will see his . thing.. haha ... then again ... lost to renfu again ..now ...clothes kanna stripe off by renfu ... omg .. the scene is really embarassing ... a almost naked guy squarting down in the middle of the studio .. too bad no body pity u ar .. haha .. but then finally ... shanwei won ... then that 'naughty' renfu said: It time for commercial !!! and that's the end...

* poor shanwei ar ... but i guess u like to be bullied by renfu ba !!! haha ....


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