Tuesday, May 09, 2006

very sad ... shanwei leaving le ... he cried ... hmm .. think later when i watch wanyu .. i willcry also ... haiz ... he had hosted this show, wif renfu , for 3 years plus le .. really dun wishes him to go off lor ... renfu left ... now u ... haiz ... no more mood to watch wanyu anymore le la.. from tml onwards ... sick of JR lor .. he very cold ... lame also !

now watching magician's love ... richie and yasi ... they fighting ar .. becos of xiaobei ....
hmm ... dun wanna tok about this drama .. dunno why .. no mood ba... haiz ...

should i spend $17.50 to buy xiezhi's book ??? if yes tml i passing $$ to michelle to ask her help me buy la ... no need me to go down kino to buy ..

just now slept from 6pm till 7.30pm ... a bit head pain .. didn't eat dinner ... but drank milo and ate an apple ... but uncle now going market buy satay la !! later can eat ... haha ...

k la ... that's all for today ... later watching wanyu @ 10 pm @ chn 56 .. the last episode of shanwei le ... haiz ...

**I wan watch movie !!! !!! ...


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