Monday, May 22, 2006

5566 signature at the preorder slip ... notices renfu's signature??

5566 C Dong gua !!! hehe .. nice leh .. i drank one bottle le ...

Renfu's part...

Continue of 20th MAy ...

Anyway ... the concert had 8 song ... i forgot 1 of the song le ... hehe ...

Sad when leaving indoor stadium.... haiz... it has to end ... how i wish it can last forever .

No matter what , I would like to thank 5566 for accompany me these few years . u all gave me strength and happiness ... i have learnt to be more independent and brave ... not scared of this and that anymore.. i have become more matured becos of u all ...

Mo ji mo huang mo hai pa !

bu yao qin yan fang qi . fou zhe dui bu qi zhi ji !


22th May ...

Sch was boring as usual.. hehe ..

tml watching da vinci code with ting.. looking forward ar !!! hehe

kk ... i love 56 as usual ...

Bye !!!


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