Sunday, January 30, 2005

Almost a month didn't update my blog le... lazy la ...

Today is Sunday ! just came back from chalet ...

last friday (2 days ago), after work ... aunt called and say that we shall go chalet ... wow .. last min leh ... went home pack bag ... and off we went ...
did nothing there la ... only go there sleep ... cos very late le mah .. check in already almost 10pm ...

2nd day ... woke up , uncle and peiwen went off ... she gotta go school mah ... me leh ? lazy to go work too ... so didn't go la ... we played poker cards ... haha ... lose about $10 like that ... went arcade , spent $50 playing ... was crazy over one game ... haha .. the push that cup thingy la .. went Escape Theme Park after that ... only me, marcus and alicia dared to play those "thrilling" rides ... domon ar ... well ... he scared of heights mah ... queued for go karts ... almost 20 mins ... not bad la... marcus first lor ... damn fast la him ... anyway , the rides available only a few only ... so ... we just keep repeating playing lor... that pespi ride hor ... played once only ... marcus' one really turned 360degrees leh ... mine and alicia didn't ... i think he spin too hard le lah ...
bbq at night ... didn't eat much ... feeling sick and tired ... ate cake too... for alicia's ... slept ... poor me .. slept on sleeping bag ! haiz ...

today woke up ... ate mac breakfast and sent mabel off to work ... went back pack things ... off we go le lor ... went to a pasir ris' fish farm ... ate shark fins soup ( for lunch ) then went ayer rajah drink things ... then came home le ... so tired ... wanna sleep but kept coughing ... washing machine also not done yet ... d/l my W lastest song ! hehe ...

Well ... that's all i gotta say la ... not bad la this time ... only thing is that i'm so sick ... !!! keep coughing every 5 mins ! haha... see yah ...

***This coming sat going to Genting with Sandra la .. so ... hehe .. more rides for me to play !!!


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