Monday, December 27, 2004

These fews days really enjoyed a lot .. but i also learnt lots of stuffs ... got happy and sad ones ...

3days 2 night at my aunt house ... hmm ... went shopping , exercising , eating buffet and lots of other activities ... Luckily the car can house up to 9 ppl .. which include me and both my sis , domon, alicia, aunt and her husband and marcus!

Well ... the look of that marcus made me feel that he's a nice boy ... but after i heard loads of stuffs from my aunt , haha ... it's totally different !

domon really needs to think for others ... but as long as he doesn't go astray , it's the best !

Alicia .. i pity her lor... always fight with domon ... haiz ...

my aunt ? can't say out ... dunno how to descibe it either ...

well i do wish them good luck and give them my best wishes !

i almost everyday weekday eat restuarant ! haha .. mon sakae sushi , tue chinese restuarant and so on .. omg ... are we trying to taste the food of all restuarant in Singapore ? i earn $50 a day , but spent $20 on eating ...

How am i going to save ?

I dunno really should i believe in fate or not ... well .. i'm going into depression again ! haha

misses school ... misses mrs tai , my frens ... vanny cindy ting and char they all .. misses sandra too .. sorry that i always seems to be wanting to hang up her call .. it's just that she always call at the wrong time

1 more week and domon is starting school again ... i do wish he can do well in his studies ... and dun let his mother down ... i feel helpless sometimes ... as for marcus ... i wish i can give him a piece of my mind ! haha ... but too bad i dun think i can !

want to watch kungfu hustle ... looking for a good day whereby we all can watch together ... seed of chucky not nice de... anyway i do want to watch meet the fockers ! it's sexual humour ! i thought it was PG ... i will like to see that scene whereby the dog kanna flushed down the toilet bowl by the cat ! haha

anyway ... went to Qian Hu fish farm during 26th Dec ... hehe ... 1st time go there .. mrs tai said she will bring us there ... but 2 yrs le still haven yet !haha .. wow ... some fishes are really pretty and beautiful and expensive !
lobster got blue colour ones somemore !!!

The money i saved inside my bank is soon going to become "ZERO" !!! haiz .. i shld really save le lah ...

wow ... today typed so much le ar ? k la .. wanna go sleep le lah .. tml still got work ... seldom got time to online le .. even sat and sun also no time ..

still haven reply vanny's letter yet ! i swear that i will write within this week ! haha ...

see ya everyone ...


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