Friday, November 26, 2004

today actually got OT but in the end dun have ...

well let me tok about three days ago ...

on 22nd of NOV - 1st day of work !

hmm .. quite simple la .. just fold boxes ... good thing is got three break ... very relax ... then somemore very cold ... got -18 degrees like that .. wow ...

2nd day of work .. same ... fold box in the morning ... noon go wrap cheeze (yuck) i hate cheeze !!! Cowhead CHEEZE !!!

today is 3rd day of work ...

morning fold potato wedges boxes ... hehe ... my fav wedges ... at school always eat de ! noon go office ... do paperwork .. lucky i learnt in accounts about the various invoices ! haha ... wow .. can see lotsa big bosses walking in and out ... so paiseh and scared ! wow ... every invoices at least 2000dollars de ! haha ... saw NTUC LOT 1 .. and those big hotel's invoices also ...

hmm ... tomorrow still got to work too .. haiz ..
gotta rest la ...

something to gossip about .. the workers there are talkative !!! haha


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