Friday, August 20, 2004

well ... basically , nothing went wrong ... but petrified when wanyi said the teachers are dicussing about me !!! Oh Gosh ... what the hell they discussing about me? just give me a merit and i will shut up ! haha ...

erm .. kinda feel that i did well in reading passage ... didn't really stammered at all ... but conversation was quite difficult ...

Erm ... well ... kinda shocked to hear that ben might be expelled ! moreover , it's 80% !!! + class caNing ...and public apology ! wah .... that's alot ...
ben said that he hate *** & ****** for some reasons ... haha ... except wanyi ! *phew* that would be a blow to her if ben ...

haiz ... finally is friday le ... can rest !!!
k .. gotta go hospiT@l la ... see my mummy !!!! miss u ...


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