Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday today . so fast . it's almost 2 weeks of holiday le . Time just passes so fast .

Been enjoying myself with 5566 again . This is the only thing i can do to kill time .

Downloaded Jay's album . i like all his slow songs. especially qian li zhi wai ! hehe ...

played roller coaster tycoon . hmm. finishing slower and slower . no more "excitement" in playing le . so .. yah .. maybe must wait for the craze to come back again .

I like to look at renfu . Just stare at him . haha . i can imagine a lot of things . like how naughty he is . how sincere, how cheerful and happy he was . hmm .. his interactions with xiezhi and shao wei . their brotherly relationship . Wow .. i am getting more and more eager to watch his shi shen lor . can't wait .

Went NTUC fairprice with my mum . bought lots of things .. shampoo, food, groceries etc ... and also ... she bought me the Fasio Mascara!!! Yeah .. i love u mum !
And now, i shall save and get myself a sunscreen lotion! hehe . i dun wan dark spots / freckles on my face !!! hehe ... reduces pigmentation !

kk .. now downloading yesterday wanyu using laptop . and i guess it would take quite long to finish task . haiz ... when will my desktop be sent for repair?

Friends Friends Friends ...

Sandra ... Jia Mei .. Sining .. so long no contact . as well as some friends like Rachel, May , Shizu they all . though they are in msn contact list. but we really seldom chat lor . can say is never chat ba . Hmm ...

Monday meeting jas they all at city hall at 7pm . we shall have a dinner together . each ppl budget $20 .. omg .. $$ again . gotta spend again . my money ar ... >_< dun ever leave me please .

kk .. i shall stop spending le ar !!! ARGH ....


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