Friday, June 09, 2006

another passed .. slept again and again ... woke up at 10am.. so late lor ..hmm. dun wanna get up de ... slept at 12pm again.. haiz no mood la

ting ask me wanna go sentosa on monday anot . at first thought got project to do , but xiao suan say she cannot make it .. so tues instead ..
cindy ask me wanna go east coast anot .. so i try to book friday la .. so char & ting .. fri can ??
give me an ans ....

hmm .. almost done with my elearning le... except for one.. ELS .. sianz choice la

my dad discharged le .. so happy . yesterday went hospital see him ... the moment i saw him , i felt so so so sad ... hmm .. i can't control my feelings ... i'm really very emotional lor.. kk ... now i think everything is fine le .. hope nothing will happen anymore ... yes i think i shouldn't think about it liao ...

i love you tube !! hehe .. i love watching things from youtube .. it' s fast man ... hehe .. i haven finish watching fullhouse and mahou sensei negima .. my small sis watch finish the mahou sensei le .. so fast lor .. aiyah she free i busy ma ... haha

love to listen to 5566's sad song when i'm moody ... just like right now .. hmm ... am i really that crazy over them ? i like them as they brings me joy ... my mum say i'm crazy over them though i always try to say nope.. i'm not , they are just someone who entertains me ... if not u all wan me go use other ways to keep myself happy ? just as going clubbing or whatsoever ?

.................................................................. shall stop here .


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