Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Feeling tired all day long ... due to the drownziness caused by the medicines ... haiz ...

Slept at late noon ... woke up ... watch tv ... sianz ... don't feel like studying ... wanna slack slack slack till prelim ( WHAT? )

had on my com from 3.30pm till now ... the stupid downloads so slow ... the file abit too big la .. so have to spent 5 hrs and more to download

hmm ... recently dunno why so broke ! haha ... feel like selling some of yamap things away to earn $$ ... haha ... but i scared i couldn't bear it ...

Today at school kinda "upset" ... due to some some some reasons ... as for the reasons ... it's very confidential ... i dun wanna say it out as i think everyone will side the other side ! it's very unfair sometimes ... not that i'm bias ...

Forget it .. dun wanna tok about it ... kinda sad ...

Today finally learnt DISPOSAL account ... well .. it's sorta "easy" ... easy to understand la ... >_<

Hmm ... i'm really thinking if i should go Poly or at least try for JC ?
Cos JC is like sec sch while poly is "freedom"
But i think most probably i will not take JC cos got General Paper !

I really hope i can be more cheerful these days ... better being happy than being depressed ... >_<


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